Why these plus-size travel news in bulk? Because a bunch of things happened – or is happening soon – since my last post and during the month of March, so many things that are of interest to us, and I wanted to share them with you, so here it is, in no particular order…
The Outdoor Adventure Show Is Coming to Town!
The event will stop this weekend (Apr 1-2, 2017) at the Palais des congrès, downtown Montreal. I was selected to join the event’s “official blog squad”… All weekend, I will be posting on social medias about my experiences and the discoveries made there… #StayTuned
Numerous activewear, travel agencies and equipment vendors expected… Among others, Sportive Plus (a company that has been very present since my humble beginnings as a backpacker, but also as a blogger and author!) will have a booth. Make sure to drop by! Otherwise, I’m sure you will find something of interest among the 200+ vendors and organizations expected to be present for the show… I will post my impressions about the event next week, don’t miss it! #ComingSoon
Big Fit Girl: Embrace The Body You Have by Louise Green – a fellow Canadian who is also an accomplished plus-size athlete, trainer, and entrepreneur – was launched on March 18! The book is now available in bookstores and on Amazon (Kindle & Paperback). Last year, Louise approached me to know my thoughts on hiking as a way to unleash my inner athlete. Good news : the testimony I provided her on the topic has survived the editing process! Among others who share their stories on being big fit girls, you will find Whitney Way Thore, from TLC’s “My Big Fat Fabulous Life”.
So far, Louise & her book received some well-deserved visibility in Canada and the US and all over the web. Hopefully, this book will achieve its eye-opening goal and reveal “how the fitness industry fails to meet the needs of plus-size women”. #BigFitGirlMovement
Louise will also visit the UK next May, for fans from the other side of the pond!
New Luxury Activewear… Made in Montreal!
Projet Gold, a brand new luxury activewear brand, should launch its first collection around mid-April. Based on the Instagram feed of the brand, Montrealer model Isabella Forget should be involved in the project (as a model most likely). The Projet Gold team approached numerous plus-size, active bloggers and influencers in the past year (including yours truly!) to get their impressions, know more about their tastes and needs, and brainstorm on activewear… let’s see what ideas came out of this! #ToBeContinued
Leggings : Endangered Outfit…?
Talk about much noise for nothing. I guess you saw, last weekend, this headline about United barring female passengers from boarding a plane in Denver, Colorado. Why? Because they were wearing leggings. What the catchy title didn’t mention (you had to read the article to find out), was that they were traveling on “family passes” (meaning they got a free/significantly reduced priced flight). These passes have certain rules that passengers need to comply with because as they represent the airline when using such passes.
So our right to wear leggings has NEVER been threatened in any way, shape or form. The general outcry, based on the headline only. shows how easily news and facts can be distorted. As plus-size people, we are too often victims of discrimination that take its roots in similar circumstances. Please read before sharing, verify the source, and don’t feed the trolls… they are already very well fed! #EducationalMomentOfThisPost
Great news items! I did pick up on the truth about the famous “leggings incident” at the time it happened. Should have been a non-news item for the media, but people are desperate for news that isn’t life-threatening, I guess!
I can’t imagine what the headline would have been if it was one (or many) plus-size woman/women implicated in the “leggings incident”… I’m sure it would have turned out in a completely different (and possibly way less sympathetic to the victims)…