
Plus-Size Backpacking… in Bulgaria !

In case you missed the announcement on Facebook last week… I am glad to announce that I will be heading out to Bulgaria next September! It’s not my first time in Eastern Europe, but it’s the southernmost country in this part of the world on my travel list. thus far. With this upcoming trip, I will visit my 16th country in 8 years! ►►►

True Story

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BLOG! 4 Years Already…

Last Sunday, The Plus-Size Backpacker turned FOUR! At that age, a blog is a bit like a late teenager/young adult: it knows relatively well where it’s heading but remains open to change if opportunity knocks (or necessity requires it). On the other hand, it still has this desire to please and simultaneously wants to prove its purpose to the whole world, possibly in a flashy, rebellious, non-traditional way! ►►►